Publicaciones Google Scholar de
1980 a
Título |
Fuente |
Fecha |
Quantum bayesian inference with renormalization for gravitational waves |
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 979 (2), L36 , 2025 |
2025 |
Correlated and critical phenomena in multipartite quantum non-Markovianity |
Physical Review A 111 (2), L020204 , 2025 |
2025 |
A Quantum Signature Validation Algorithm for Efficient Detection of Tampered Transactions in Blockchain |
arXiv preprint arXiv:2502.15023 , 2025 |
2025 |
Implementing the grover algorithm in homomorphic encryption schemes |
Physical Review Research 6 (4), 043109 , 2024 |
2024 |
Homomorphic encryption of the k= 2 Bernstein–Vazirani algorithm |
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 57 (36), 365301 , 2024 |
2024 |
Quantum Algorithm for Testing Graph Completeness |
arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.20069 , 2024 |
2024 |
Randomized SearchRank: A semiclassical approach to a quantum search engine |
Physical Review Research 6 (4), 043014 , 2024 |
2024 |
Exotic symmetry breaking properties of self-dual fracton spin models |
Physical Review Research 6 (1), 013304 , 2024 |
2024 |
Complex-Phase Extensions of Szegedy Quantum Walk on Graphs |
arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.22011 , 2024 |
2024 |
Implementing Semiclassical Szegedy Walks in Classical-Quantum Circuits for Homomorphic Encryption |
arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.01966 , 2024 |
2024 |
Squwals: A szegedy quantum walks simulator |
Advanced Quantum Technologies 7 (7), 2400022 , 2024 |
2024 |
Is the Majorana bound state a gravitationally neutral system? |
arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.03430 , 2023 |
2023 |
Discrete-time semiclassical Szegedy quantum walks |
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 625, 129021 , 2023 |
2023 |
Quantum Metropolis Solver: a quantum walks approach to optimization problems |
Quantum Machine Intelligence 5 (2), 28 , 2023 |
2023 |
Quantum Metropolis Solver: QMS |
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2023, M64. 013 , 2023 |
2023 |
Generalized quantum PageRank algorithm with arbitrary phase rotations |
Physical Review Research 5 (1), 013061 , 2023 |
2023 |
Robust non-equilibrium surface currents with and without band topology |
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2023, W33. 012 , 2023 |
2023 |
Parameter estimation of gravitational waves with a quantum metropolis algorithm |
Classical and Quantum Gravity 40 (4), 045001 , 2023 |
2023 |
Generalized quantum PageRank algorithm with arbitrary phase rotations |
American Physical Society , 2023 |
2023 |
QFold: Quantum Walks and Deep Learning to Solve Protein Folding |
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2022, G38. 009 , 2022 |
2022 |
Generalized Quantum Google PageRank Algorithm with Arbitrary Phase Rotations |
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 2209.13451 , 2022 |
2022 |
Robust nonequilibrium edge currents with and without band topology |
Physical Review Letters 128 (12), 120403 , 2022 |
2022 |
Simulating key properties of lithium-ion batteries with a fault-tolerant quantum computer |
Physical Review A 106 (3), 032428 , 2022 |
2022 |
Relaxation times do not capture logical qubit dynamics |
Verein Forderung Open Access Publizierens Quantenwissenschaf , 2022 |
2022 |
Optimal thresholds for fracton codes and random spin models with subsystem symmetry |
Physical Review Letters 129 (23), 230502 , 2022 |
2022 |
TFermion: A non-Clifford gate cost assessment library of quantum phase estimation algorithms for quantum chemistry |
Quantum 6, 768 , 2022 |
2022 |
Relaxation times do not capture logical qubit dynamics |
Quantum 6, 632 , 2022 |
2022 |
A General Relativistic Pendulum: Isochronous vs. Geodesic Motion |
arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.02509 , 2022 |
2022 |
¿Qué es el nuevo Sistema Internacional de Unidades de medida? |
Física y Ciencia para todos 8, 160 , 2022 |
2022 |
Robust nonequilibrium surface currents in the three-dimensional Hofstadter model |
Physical Review Research 4 (4), 043032 , 2022 |
2022 |
Reinforcement-learning generation of four-qubit entangled states |
Physical Review Research 4 (4), 043056 , 2022 |
2022 |
QFold: quantum walks and deep learning to solve protein folding |
Quantum Science and Technology 7 (2), 025013 , 2022 |
2022 |
Unidirectional information flow and positive divisibility are nonequivalent notions of quantum Markovianity for noninvertible dynamics |
Open Systems & Information Dynamics 29 (03), 2250012 , 2022 |
2022 |
A quantum active learning algorithm for sampling against adversarial attacks |
New Journal of Physics 22 (7), 073026 , 2020 |
2020 |
Strong coupling thermodynamics of open quantum systems |
Physical review letters 124 (16), 160601 , 2020 |
2020 |
An Exclusion Principle for Sum-Free Quantum Numbers |
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.14491 , 2020 |
2020 |
Chiral Prime Concatenations |
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.12305 , 2020 |
2020 |
The new SI and the fundamental constants of nature |
European Journal of Physics 41 (6), 063003 , 2020 |
2020 |
Determination of the semion code threshold using neural decoders |
Amer Physical Soc , 2020 |
2020 |
Determination of the semion code threshold using neural decoders |
Physical Review A 102 (3), 032411 , 2020 |
2020 |
A quantum interior-point predictor–corrector algorithm for linear programming |
Journal of physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 53 (44), 445305 , 2020 |
2020 |
Information Flow Versus Divisibility for Non-invertible Dynamical Maps |
Advances in Open Systems and Fundamental Tests of Quantum Mechanics, 15-28 , 2019 |
2019 |
Twisted fracton models in three dimensions |
Physical Review B 99 (15), 155118 , 2019 |
2019 |
On the role of joint probability distributions of incompatible observables in Bell and Kochen–Specker theorems |
Annals of Physics 411, 167939 , 2019 |
2019 |
Quantum error correction with the semion code |
New Journal of Physics 21 (5), 053035 , 2019 |
2019 |
Quantum thermodynamics in the refined weak coupling limit |
Entropy 21 (8), 725 , 2019 |
2019 |
Quantum information remote carnot engines and voltage transformers |
Entropy 21 (2), 127 , 2019 |
2019 |
Quench dynamics and zero-energy modes: The case of the Creutz model |
Physical Review B 99 (5), 054302 , 2019 |
2019 |
Geometry of joint reality: device-independent steering and operational completeness |
Physical Review A 100 (6), 062105 , 2019 |
2019 |
Twins percolation for qubit losses in topological color codes |
Physical Review Letters 121 (6), 060501 , 2018 |
2018 |
Chiral topological superconductors enhanced by long-range interactions |
Physical review letters 120 (1), 017001 , 2018 |
2018 |
Localization and oscillations of Majorana fermions in a two-dimensional electron gas coupled with -wave superconductors |
Physical Review B 97 (6), 064501 , 2018 |
2018 |
Observation of topological Uhlmann phases with superconducting qubits |
npj Quantum Information 4 (1), 10 , 2018 |
2018 |
The effects of thermal and correlated noise on magnons in a quantum ferromagnet |
New Journal of Physics 20 (9), 093017 , 2018 |
2018 |
Divisibility and Information Flow Notions of Quantum Markovianity for Noninvertible Dynamical Maps |
Physical review letters 121 (8), 080407 , 2018 |
2018 |
Experimental quantification of spatial correlations in quantum dynamics |
Quantum 2, 90 , 2018 |
2018 |
Topological phases in nodeless tetragonal superconductors |
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30 (39), 395602 , 2018 |
2018 |
Long-range Topological Superconductors: Majorana & Non-local Dirac fermions |
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2018, S13. 008 , 2018 |
2018 |
Localization and Oscillations in Majorana Fermions from d-Wave Superconductors |
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 63 , 2018 |
2018 |
Staircase to higher-order topological phase transitions |
Physical Review B 97 (12), 121106 , 2018 |
2018 |
Observation of photonic states dynamics in 3-D integrated Fourier circuits |
Journal of Optics 20 (7), 074001 , 2018 |
2018 |
A measurement protocol for the topological uhlmann phase |
arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.08778 , 2017 |
2017 |
Refined weak-coupling limit: Coherence, entanglement, and non-Markovianity |
Physical Review A 95 (4), 042104 , 2017 |
2017 |
Topological heat transport and symmetry-protected boson currents |
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 6350 , 2017 |
2017 |
Premio Nobel de Física 2016: La fusión de la física cuántica y la topología produce nuevos estados de la materia |
Revista Española de Física 30 (4), 4-6 , 2016 |
2016 |
Iterative phase optimization of elementary quantum error correcting codes |
Physical Review X 6 (3), 031030 , 2016 |
2016 |
Topological massive Dirac edge modes and long-range superconducting Hamiltonians |
Physical Review B 94 (12), 125121 , 2016 |
2016 |
Nonlinear fiber gyroscope for quantum metrology |
Physical Review A 94 (1), 013830 , 2016 |
2016 |
Quantum Enhanced Energy Distribution for Information Heat Engines |
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 1603.07851 , 2016 |
2016 |
Enhanced energy distribution for quantum information heat engines |
Entropy 18 (9), 335 , 2016 |
2016 |
Quantum simulation of a topological Mott insulator with Rydberg atoms in a Lieb lattice |
Physical Review A 93 (4), 043611 , 2016 |
2016 |
Error tolerance of topological codes with independent bit-flip and measurement errors |
Physical Review A 94 (1), 012318 , 2016 |
2016 |
Quantum Enhanced Energy Distribution for Information Heat Engines |
arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.07851 , 2016 |
2016 |
A bilayer double semion model with symmetry-enriched topological order |
Annals of Physics 375, 193-226 , 2016 |
2016 |
Symmetry-protected topological phases at finite temperature |
2D Materials 2 (3), 034006 , 2015 |
2015 |
Uhlmann Measure in Topological Insulators and Superconductors at Finite Temperature |
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 60 , 2015 |
2015 |
Nonlinear Michelson interferometer for improved quantum metrology |
Physical Review A 92 (2), 022104 , 2015 |
2015 |
Quantifying spatial correlations of general quantum dynamics |
New Journal of Physics 17 (6), 062001 , 2015 |
2015 |
Uhlmann phase as a topological measure for one-dimensional fermion systems |
Physical review letters 112 (13), 130401 , 2014 |
2014 |
Quantum computations on a topologically encoded qubit |
Science 345 (6194), 302-305 , 2014 |
2014 |
Quantum-information engines with many-body states attaining optimal extractable work with quantum control |
Physical Review A 89 (3), 032327 , 2014 |
2014 |
Quantum Google algorithm: Construction and application to complex networks |
The European Physical Journal Plus 129, 1-16 , 2014 |
2014 |
Efficient algorithm to compute the Berry conductivity |
New journal of physics 16 (7), 073016 , 2014 |
2014 |
Quantum speedup for active learning agents |
Physical Review X 4 (3), 031002 , 2014 |
2014 |
Two-dimensional density-matrix topological fermionic phases: Topological uhlmann numbers |
Physical review letters 113 (7), 076408 , 2014 |
2014 |
Reducing space-time to binary information |
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 47 (9), 095301 , 2014 |
2014 |
Quantum non-Markovianity: characterization, quantification and detection |
Reports on progress in physics 77, 094001 , 2014 |
2014 |
Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptography |
Springer , 2014 |
2014 |
Thermal Instability of Edge States in a 1D Topological Insulator |
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2013, W8. 006 , 2013 |
2013 |
Vanishing quantum discord is not necessary for completely positive maps |
Physical Review A 87 (4), 042301 , 2013 |
2013 |
Alan Turing and the origins of complexity |
arbor, n6006 , 2013 |
2013 |
Quantum google in a complex network |
Scientific reports 3 (1), 2773 , 2013 |
2013 |
Resilience of topological error-correction codes to concurrent qubit and measurement errors |
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2013, G27. 006 , 2013 |
2013 |
Self-correcting quantum computers |
New Journal of Physics 15 (5), 055023 , 2013 |
2013 |
Dynamics of Thermal Effects in the Spin-Wave Theory of Quantum Antiferromagnets |
Annals of Physics 331, 9-23 , 2013 |
2013 |
SU (2)-invariant depolarization of quantum states of light |
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (5), 052120 , 2013 |
2013 |
Density-matrix Chern insulators: Finite-temperature generalization of topological insulators |
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (15), 155141 , 2013 |
2013 |
Dynamics of thermal effects in the spin-wave theory of quantum antiferromagnets |
Annals of Physics 331, 9-23 , 2013 |
2013 |
Generalized toric codes coupled to thermal baths |
New Journal of Physics 14 (3), 33044-33075 , 2012 |
2012 |
An optical-lattice-based quantum simulator for relativistic field theories and topological insulators |
New Journal of Physics 14 (1), 015007 , 2012 |
2012 |
Error-threshold for topological subsystem quantum error-correcting codes |
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2012, B30. 005 , 2012 |
2012 |
Generalized toric codes coupled to thermal baths |
New Journal of Physics 14 (3), 033044 , 2012 |
2012 |
Sub-Heisenberg estimation of non-random phase shifts |
New Journal of Physics 14 (9), 093052 , 2012 |
2012 |
Thermal instability of protected end states in a one-dimensional topological insulator |
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (15), 155140 , 2012 |
2012 |
On quantum effects in a theory of biological evolution |
Scientific Reports 2 (1), 302 , 2012 |
2012 |
Optimal error correction in topological subsystem codes |
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (5), 050302 , 2012 |
2012 |
Google in a quantum network |
Scientific reports 2 (1), 444 , 2012 |
2012 |
Open quantum systems |
Springer 10, 978-3 , 2012 |
2012 |
Strong resilience of topological codes to depolarization |
Physical Review X 2 (2), 021004 , 2012 |
2012 |
Rydberg-atom quantum simulation and Chern-number characterization of a topological Mott insulator |
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (5), 053618 , 2012 |
2012 |
Non-Markovianity-Assisted Steady State Entanglement |
Physical Review Letters 108 (16), 160402 , 2012 |
2012 |
Universality in phase boundary slopes for spin glasses on self-dual lattices |
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2011 (02), P02004 , 2011 |
2011 |
Independent nonclassical tests for states and measurements in the same experiment |
Physica Scripta 2011 (T143), 014015 , 2011 |
2011 |
Measures of non-Markovianity: Divisibility versus backflow of information |
Physical Review A 83 (5), 52128 , 2011 |
2011 |
Quantum algorithms for classical lattice models |
New Journal of Physics 13 (9), 093021 , 2011 |
2011 |
Resilience of Topological Codes to Depolarization |
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2011, Y27. 012 , 2011 |
2011 |
Independent nonclassical tests for states and measurements in the same experiment |
IOP Publishing , 2011 |
2011 |
Tricolored lattice gauge theory with randomness: fault tolerance in topological color codes |
New journal of physics 13 (8), 083006 , 2011 |
2011 |
Alan Turing and the Origins of Complexity |
arXiv preprint arXiv:1110.0271 , 2011 |
2011 |
El oscilador de Dirac en iones atrapados y Gatos de Dirac Relativistas. |
Revista española de física 22 (3) , 2011 |
2011 |
Theory of quantum computation, communication, and cryptography |
Springer, Berlin , 2011 |
2011 |
Angular-momentum nonclassicality by breaking classical bounds on statistics |
Physical Review A 84 (4), 042111 , 2011 |
2011 |
The U (1) lattice gauge theory universally connects all classical models with continuous variables, including background gravity |
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2011 (02), P02013 , 2011 |
2011 |
Nested topological order |
New Journal of Physics 13 (12), 125001 , 2011 |
2011 |
TheU (1) lattice gauge theory universally connects all classical models with continuous variables, including background gravity |
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2011 (02), P02013 , 2011 |
2011 |
Computing error thresholds in topological quantum-computing models using exact zero-temperature algorithms |
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2010, Q26. 003 , 2010 |
2010 |
The localization of phonons in ion traps with controlled quantum disorder |
New Journal of Physics 12 (12), 123016 , 2010 |
2010 |
Dynamical delocalization of Majorana edge states by sweeping across a quantum critical point |
New Journal of Physics 12 (5), 055014 , 2010 |
2010 |
Mapping all classical spin models to a lattice gauge theory |
New Journal of Physics 12 (4), 043014 , 2010 |
2010 |
Entanglement and non-Markovianity of quantum evolutions |
Physical review letters 105 (5), 050403 , 2010 |
2010 |
Error threshold for topological color codes on Union Jack lattices |
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2010, Q26. 001 , 2010 |
2010 |
Topological color codes and two-body quantum lattice Hamiltonians |
New Journal of Physics 12 (2), 025018 , 2010 |
2010 |
Topological phase transitions in the non-Abelian honeycomb lattice |
New Journal of Physics 12 (3), 033041 , 2010 |
2010 |
Markovian master equations: a critical study |
New Journal of Physics 12 (11), 113032 , 2010 |
2010 |
Realistic time-reversal invariant topological insulators with neutral atoms |
Physical review letters 105 (25), 255302 , 2010 |
2010 |
Exact mapping between system-reservoir quantum models and semi-infinite discrete chains using orthogonal polynomials |
Journal of Mathematical Physics 51 (9) , 2010 |
2010 |
Topological color codes on Union Jack lattices: a stable implementation of the whole Clifford group |
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 81 (1), 012319 , 2010 |
2010 |
Wilson fermions and axion electrodynamics in optical lattices |
Physical review letters 105 (19), 190404 , 2010 |
2010 |
Engineering Time-Reversal Invariant Topological Insulators With Ultra-Cold Atoms |
Ian B. Spielman, Nathan Goldman, Indubala I. Satija, Predrag Nikolic … , 2010 |
2010 |
Error threshold of topological color codes and random three-dimensional color gauge models |
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2010, Q26. 002 , 2010 |
2010 |
Precision quantum metrology and nonclassicality in linear and nonlinear detection schemes |
Physical review letters 105 (1), 10403 , 2010 |
2010 |
Valence bond solid state induced by impurity frustration in |
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (11), 115141 , 2009 |
2009 |
Probing a composite spin-boson environment |
New Journal of Physics 11, 063028 , 2009 |
2009 |
Competing many-body interactions in systems of trapped ions |
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 79 (6), 060303 , 2009 |
2009 |
Unifying all classical spin models in a lattice gauge theory |
Physical review letters 102 (23), 230502 , 2009 |
2009 |
Quantum measurements and gates by code deformation |
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 42 (9), 095302 , 2009 |
2009 |
Error threshold for color codes and random three-body Ising models |
Physical review letters 103 (9), 090501 , 2009 |
2009 |
Non-Abelian optical lattices: anomalous quantum Hall effect and Dirac fermions |
Physical review letters 103 (3), 035301 , 2009 |
2009 |
Error threshold in topological quantum-computing models with color codes |
APS March Meeting Abstracts, W17. 003 , 2009 |
2009 |
Stochastic resonance phenomena in spin chains |
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 69 (1 … , 2009 |
2009 |
Mapping all classical spin models to a lattice gauge theory |
arXiv preprint arXiv:0911.2096 , 2009 |
2009 |
Quantum 2‐body Hamiltonian for topological color codes |
Fortschritte der Physik 57 (11-12), 1103-1110 , 2009 |
2009 |
Interacting anyonic fermions in a two-body color code model |
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (7), 075111 , 2009 |
2009 |
Topology-induced anomalous defect production by crossing a quantum critical point |
Physical review letters 102 (13), 135702 , 2009 |
2009 |
Nonclassicality of states and measurements by breaking classical bounds on statistics |
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 79 (4), 042105 , 2009 |
2009 |
Computacion Cuantica topologica y sistemas fuertemente correlacionados |
Revista espanola de fisica 21 (2), 31-45 , 2008 |
2008 |
Quantum simulation of Anderson and Kondo lattices with superconducting qubits |
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (2), 024522 , 2008 |
2008 |
Quantum electron liquids and high-Tc superconductivity |
Springer Science & Business Media , 2008 |
2008 |
Exact mappings between quantum relativistic and quantum optical models |
APS March Meeting Abstracts, D15. 010 , 2008 |
2008 |
An Interferometry-Free Scheme for Demonstrating Topological Order |
Phys. Rev. B 78 (arXiv: 0705.0007) , 2008 |
2008 |
Interferometry-free protocol for demonstrating topological order |
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (16), 165128 , 2008 |
2008 |
Practical schemes for the measurement of angular-momentum covariance matrices in quantum optics |
Physical Review A 78 (4), 043814 , 2008 |
2008 |
Twisted-order parameter applied to dimerized ladders |
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41 (48), 485301 , 2008 |
2008 |
Nonrelativistic limit in the Dirac oscillator: A Ramsey-interferometry effect |
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 77 (3), 033832 , 2008 |
2008 |
Unifying all classical spin models in a Lattice Gauge Theory |
arXiv preprint arXiv:0812.3583 , 2008 |
2008 |
Statistical mechanical models and topological color codes |
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 77 (4), 042322 , 2008 |
2008 |
Family of non-Abelian Kitaev models on a lattice: Topological condensation and confinement |
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (11), 115421 , 2008 |
2008 |
Critical lines and massive phases in quantum spin ladders with dimerization |
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (9), 094415 , 2008 |
2008 |
Chirality quantum phase transition in the Dirac oscillator |
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 77 (6), 063815 , 2008 |
2008 |
Intrinsic metrological resolution as a distance measure and nonclassical light |
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 77 (6), 063813 , 2008 |
2008 |
Characterization of quantum angular-momentum fluctuations via principal components |
Physical Review A 77 (2), 022105 , 2008 |
2008 |
Hyper-entanglement in a relativistic two-body system |
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41 (48), 485302 , 2008 |
2008 |
DMRG applied to critical systems: spin chains |
Lectures on the Physics of Strongly Correlated Systems XI 918, 261-271 , 2007 |
2007 |
Exact mapping of the Dirac oscillator onto the Jaynes-Cummings model: Ion-trap experimental proposal |
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 76 (4), 041801 , 2007 |
2007 |
Real-space renormalization group methods applied to quantum lattice hamiltonians |
Strongly Correlated Magnetic and Superconducting Systems: Proceedings of the … , 2007 |
2007 |
Density-matrix renormalization group study of the bond-alternating Heisenberg ladder with ferro-antiferromagnetic couplings |
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (18), 184428 , 2007 |
2007 |
A recurrent variational approach |
Density-Matrix Renormalization: A New Numerical Method in Physics Lectures … , 2007 |
2007 |
Exact topological quantum order in and beyond: Branyons and brane-net condensates |
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (7), 075103 , 2007 |
2007 |
Electronic structure: Wide-band, narrow-band, and strongly correlated systems-Exact topological quantum order in D= 3 and beyond: Branyons and brane-net condensates |
Physical Review-Section B-Condensed Matter 75 (7), 75103-75103 , 2007 |
2007 |
Mesoscopic superposition states in relativistic Landau levels |
Physical review letters 99 (12), 123602 , 2007 |
2007 |
D-Colexes: Topological Computation and Brane-Net Condensates |
APS March Meeting Abstracts, U33. 014 , 2007 |
2007 |
Topological computation without braiding |
Physical review letters 98 (16), 160502 , 2007 |
2007 |
Homological error correction: Classical and quantum codes |
Journal of mathematical physics 48 (5) , 2007 |
2007 |
DMRG study of the Bond Alternating\textbf {S}= 1/2 Heisenberg ladder with Ferro-Antiferromagnetic couplings |
arXiv preprint arXiv:0704.2181 , 2007 |
2007 |
Optimal resources for topological two-dimensional stabilizer codes: Comparative study |
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 76 (1), 012305 , 2007 |
2007 |
Topological quantum error correction with optimal encoding rate |
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 73 (6), 062303 , 2006 |
2006 |
Relativity and Lorentz invariance of entanglement distillability |
Physical review letters 97 (25), 250502 , 2006 |
2006 |
Numerical computation of localizable entanglement in spin chains |
Applied Physics B 82, 225-235 , 2006 |
2006 |
Introduction to Localizable Entanglement |
Quantum Information Processing, 191-217 , 2006 |
2006 |
Topological quantum distillation |
Physical review letters 97 (18), 180501 , 2006 |
2006 |
Unitary Local Permutations on Bell Diagonal States of Qudits and Quantum Distillation Protocols |
Quantum Information Processing: From Theory to Experiment, 30 , 2006 |
2006 |
Localizable entanglement |
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 71 (4), 042306 , 2005 |
2005 |
Entanglement distillation protocols and number theory |
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 72 (3), 032313 , 2005 |
2005 |
Universality classes of diagonal quantum spin ladders |
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (10), 104435 , 2005 |
2005 |
Diverging entanglement length in gapped quantum spin systems |
Physical review letters 92 (8), 087201 , 2004 |
2004 |
Systematic analysis of majorization in quantum algorithms |
The European Physical Journal D-Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma … , 2004 |
2004 |
The Schrodinger Equation, Reversibility and the Grover Algorithm |
arXiv preprint quant-ph/0412130 , 2004 |
2004 |
Implementation of spin Hamiltonians in optical lattices |
Physical review letters 93 (25), 250405 , 2004 |
2004 |
Reply to the Comment by P. McCulloch and M. Gulacsi on“Equivalence of the variational matrix product method and the density matrix renormalization group applied to spin chains” |
Europhysics Letters 61 (1), 140-141 , 2003 |
2003 |
Distillation protocols for mixed states of multilevel qubits and the quantum renormalization group |
The European Physical Journal D-Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma … , 2003 |
2003 |
90 Geophysics, astronomy, and astrophysics-Reply to the Comment by P. McCulloch and M. Gulacsi on" Equivalence of the variational matrix product method and the density matrix … |
Europhysics Letters 61 (1), 140 , 2003 |
2003 |
Quantum Chinos game: winning strategies through quantum fluctuations |
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 36 (13), L197 , 2003 |
2003 |
Single-step distillation protocol with generalized beam splitters |
Physical Review A 68 (1), 012322 , 2003 |
2003 |
Anderson Transition in Low-Dimensional Disordered Systems Driven<? format?> by Long-Range Nonrandom Hopping |
Physical review letters 90 (2), 027404 , 2003 |
2003 |
Majorization arrow in quantum-algorithm design |
Physical Review A 66 (2), 022305 , 2002 |
2002 |
Natural majorization of the Quantum Fourier Transformation in phase-estimation algorithms |
Quantum Information Processing 1, 283-302 , 2002 |
2002 |
Entanglement and Concurrence in the BCS State |
arXiv preprint quant-ph/0207026 , 2002 |
2002 |
Information and computation: Classical and quantum aspects |
Reviews of Modern Physics 74 (2), 347 , 2002 |
2002 |
Recurrent variational approach applied to the electronic structure of conjugated polymers |
New Trends in Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics: Volume 2 Advanced … , 2002 |
2002 |
Density-matrix renormalization-group study of excitons in dendrimers |
Physical Review B 65 (15), 155116 , 2002 |
2002 |
Absence of weak localization in two-dimensional disordered Frenkel lattices |
Journal of luminescence 94, 359-363 , 2001 |
2001 |
Exact diagonalization study of charge order in the quarter-filled two-leg ladder system NaV 2 O 5 |
Physical Review B 63 (14), 144420 , 2001 |
2001 |
Single-block renormalization group: quantum mechanical problems |
Nuclear Physics B 601 (3), 569-590 , 2001 |
2001 |
Stripe ansätze from exactly solved models |
Physical Review B 64 (7), 075117 , 2001 |
2001 |
Low-energy properties of ferrimagnetic two-leg ladders: A Lanczos study |
Physical Review B 63 (5), 054432 , 2001 |
2001 |
Low Energy Properties of Ferrimagnetic 2-leg Ladders: a Lanczos study |
arXiv preprint cond-mat/0012209 , 2000 |
2000 |
Alternating-spin ladders in a magnetic field: Formation of magnetization plateaux |
Physical Review B 62 (17), 11725 , 2000 |
2000 |
Phase diagram of ferrimagnetic ladders with bond alternation |
Physical Review B 61 (1), 343 , 2000 |
2000 |
Family of Grover’s quantum-searching algorithms |
Physical Review A 62 (6), 062303 , 2000 |
2000 |
Alternating-Spin Ladders in a Magnetic Field: New Magnetization Plateaux |
arXiv preprint cond-mat/0012278 , 2000 |
2000 |
Matrix-product approach to conjugated polymers |
Physical Review B 61 (3), 1841 , 2000 |
2000 |
Dimer–resonating valence bond state of the four-leg Heisenberg ladder: Interference among resonances |
Physical Review B 60 (17), 12134 , 1999 |
1999 |
Density matrix renormalization group approach to an asymptotically free model with bound states |
Physical review letters 83 (8), 1514 , 1999 |
1999 |
The dimer-RVB State of the Four-Leg Heisenberg Ladder: Interference among Resonances |
arXiv preprint cond-mat/9904286 , 1999 |
1999 |
Diagonal ladders: A class of models for strongly coupled electron systems |
Physical Review B 59 (12), 7973 , 1999 |
1999 |
The density matrix renormalization group applied to single-particle quantum mechanics |
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 32 (33), 6079 , 1999 |
1999 |
El efecto Hall fraccionario: un nuevo líquido cuántico |
Anales de Química de la RSEQ, 50-53 , 1999 |
1999 |
Equivalence of the variational matrix product method and the density matrix renormalization group applied to spin chains |
Europhysics letters 43 (4), 457 , 1998 |
1998 |
Phase diagram of the 2-leg Heisenberg ladder with alternating dimerization |
Physics Letters A 250 (4-6), 430-434 , 1998 |
1998 |
Dimer-hole-RVB state of the two-leg t− J ladder: A recurrent variational ansatz |
Physical Review B 57 (18), 11666 , 1998 |
1998 |
El efecto Hall fraccionario: un nuevo líquido cuántico. |
Revista Española de Física 12 (4), 2-6 , 1998 |
1998 |
The density matrix renormalization group, quantum groups and conformal field theory |
arXiv preprint cond-mat/9811170 , 1998 |
1998 |
Exact finite size results for the Ising model on the tetrahedron |
Modern physics letters B 12 (09), 309-318 , 1998 |
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Dualities in spin ladders |
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 31 (6), 1657 , 1998 |
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The matrix product approach to quantum spin ladders |
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 31 (48), 9729 , 1998 |
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Chaos in the classical analogue of the Hofstadter problem |
arXiv preprint chao-dyn/9808012 24 , 1998 |
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An interpolating ansatz for the ground state of the spinless fermion hamiltonian in D= 1 and 2 |
International Journal of Modern Physics B 11 (13), 1545-1563 , 1997 |
1997 |
The Short Range RVB State of Even Spin Ladders: A Recurrent Variational Approach |
arXiv preprint cond-mat/9704212 , 1997 |
1997 |
Real-space renormalization group approach to the 2D antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model |
Physics Letters B 391 (3-4), 381-387 , 1997 |
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Short-range resonating-valence-bond state of even-spin ladders: A recurrent variational approach |
Physical Review B 56 (14), 8774 , 1997 |
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Strongly correlated magnetic and superconducting systems |
Springer-Verlag , 1997 |
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The dimer-hole-RVB state of the 2-leg tJ ladder: A Recurrent Variational Ansatz |
arXiv preprint cond-mat/9707335 , 1997 |
1997 |
The correlated block renormalization group |
Nuclear Physics B 473 (3), 685-706 , 1996 |
1996 |
Phase transitions in staggered spin ladders |
Physical review letters 77 (16), 3443 , 1996 |
1996 |
From Field Theory to Quantum Groups |
From Field Theory to Quantum Groups: Birthday Volume Dedicated to Jerzy … , 1996 |
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A Rotating-Valence-Bond scenario for the 2D Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Model |
arXiv preprint cond-mat/9601121 , 1996 |
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Analytic formulations of the density matrix renormalization group |
International Journal of Modern Physics A 11 (17), 3145-3174 , 1996 |
1996 |
The Renormalization Group Method and Quantum Groups: the postman always rings twice |
From Field Theory to Quantum Groups, 113-139 , 1996 |
1996 |
Real space renormalization group methods and quantum groups |
Physical review letters 76 (7), 1146 , 1996 |
1996 |
Bosonization on a lattice: The emergence of the higher harmonics |
Physical Review B 51 (8), 4807 , 1995 |
1995 |
Quantum electron liquids and high-T {sub c} superconductivity |
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The role of boundary conditions in the real-space renormalization group |
Physics Letters B 364 (1), 41-48 , 1995 |
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Fermi Liquid in D≥ 2 |
Quantum Electron Liquids and High-T c Superconductivity, 3-29 , 1995 |
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Bosonization. Luttinger Liquid |
Quantum Electron Liquids and High-T c Superconductivity, 87-107 , 1995 |
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Strongly interacting spinless fermions in D= 1 and 2 dimensions: A perturbative-variational approach |
arXiv preprint cond-mat/9503085 , 1995 |
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Correspondence from Discrete to Continuum Models |
Quantum Electron Liquids and High-T c Superconductivity, 109-124 , 1995 |
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The Hubbard Model at D= 1 |
Quantum Electron Liquids and High-T c Superconductivity, 213-245 , 1995 |
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Resonating Valence Bond States and High-T c Superconductivity |
Quantum Electron Liquids and High-T c Superconductivity, 191-212 , 1995 |
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Effective Actions and the Renormalization Group |
Quantum Electron Liquids and High-T c Superconductivity, 31-67 , 1995 |
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Strong Coupling Limit and Some Exact Results |
Quantum Electron Liquids and High-T c Superconductivity, 175-189 , 1995 |
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Electronic Systems in d= 1 |
Quantum Electron Liquids and High-T c Superconductivity, 71-86 , 1995 |
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HASH (0x18c3aff0) |
Lecture Notes in Physics, Berlin Springer Verlag 38 , 1995 |
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Exact Finite Size Results on the Ising Model in 2D Curved Space |
arXiv preprint hep-th/9301057 , 1993 |
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The Critical point of unoriented random surfaces with a noneven potential |
International Journal of Modern Physics A 8 (06), 1139-1152 , 1993 |
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Planck distribution for a q-boson gas |
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 24 (21), L1285 , 1991 |
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Bordered Riemann surfaces, Schottky groups and off-shell string amplitudes |
International Journal of Modern Physics A 6 (10), 1719-1747 , 1991 |
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A physical interpretation of the quantum group Uq (SU (2)) |
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 24 (15), L807 , 1991 |
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String scattering amplitudes for external scalar states near the mass-shell |
Physics Letters B 244 (1), 33-40 , 1990 |
1990 |