Publicaciones Google Scholar de
1980 a
Título |
Fuente |
Fecha |
Matrix-product unitaries: Beyond quantum cellular automata |
Quantum 9, 1645 , 2025 |
2025 |
Tensorization of neural networks for improved privacy and interpretability |
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 2501.06300 , 2025 |
2025 |
Parent Lindbladians for Matrix Product Density Operators |
arXiv preprint arXiv:2501.10552 , 2025 |
2025 |
Tensorization of neural networks for improved privacy and interpretability |
arXiv preprint arXiv:2501.06300 , 2025 |
2025 |
Undecidability in Physics: a Review |
arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.16532 , 2024 |
2024 |
Dynamical quantum phase transitions from random matrix theory |
Quantum 8, 1271 , 2024 |
2024 |
Security of quantum position-verification limits Hamiltonian simulation via holography |
Journal of High Energy Physics 2024 (8), 1-40 , 2024 |
2024 |
Regular language quantum states |
arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.17641 , 2024 |
2024 |
Constraints on physical computers in holographic spacetimes |
SciPost Physics 16 (1), 024 , 2024 |
2024 |
Hawking-Page transition on a spin chain |
Physical Review Research 6 (3), 033007 , 2024 |
2024 |
The product structure of MPS-under-permutations |
arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.19541 , 2024 |
2024 |
Security of position-based quantum cryptography limits Hamiltonian simulation via holography |
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 2401.09058 , 2024 |
2024 |
TensorKrowch: Smooth integration of tensor networks in machine learning |
Quantum 8, 1364 , 2024 |
2024 |
Privacy-preserving machine learning with tensor networks |
Quantum 8, 1425 , 2024 |
2024 |
Matrix product operator algebras II: phases of matter for 1D mixed states |
Letters in Mathematical Physics 114 (2), 43 , 2024 |
2024 |
Entropy decay for Davies semigroups of a one dimensional quantum lattice |
Communications in Mathematical Physics 405 (2), 42 , 2024 |
2024 |
TensorKrowch: Smooth integration of tensor networks in machine learning |
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 2306.08595 , 2023 |
2023 |
Thermalization in Kitaev’s quantum double models via Tensor Network techniques |
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 11, e107 , 2023 |
2023 |
Rapid thermalization of spin chain commuting Hamiltonians |
Physical Review Letters 130 (6), 060401 , 2023 |
2023 |
Collective Monte Carlo updates through tensor network renormalization |
SciPost Physics 14 (5), 123 , 2023 |
2023 |
The minimal canonical form of a tensor network |
2023 IEEE 64th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS … , 2023 |
2023 |
Locality estimates for complex time evolution in 1D |
Communications in Mathematical Physics 399 (2), 929-970 , 2023 |
2023 |
The minimal canonical form of a tensor network |
2022 |
Physics solutions for machine learning privacy leaks |
2022 |
Matrix product operator algebras I: representations of weak Hopf algebras and projected entangled pair states, arXiv e-prints 10.48550 |
arXiv preprint arXiv.2204.05940 , 2022 |
2022 |
Correlation length in random MPS and PEPS |
Annales Henri Poincaré 23, 141-222 , 2022 |
2022 |
Matrix product operator algebras I: representations of weak Hopf algebras and projected entangled pair states |
arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.05940 , 2022 |
2022 |
Undecidability of the spectral gap |
Forum of Mathematics, Pi 10, e14 , 2022 |
2022 |
Geometry of Banach spaces: a new route towards Position Based Cryptography |
Communications in Mathematical Physics 394 (2), 625-678 , 2022 |
2022 |
Matrix product states and projected entangled pair states: Concepts, symmetries, theorems |
Reviews of Modern Physics 93 (4), 045003 , 2021 |
2021 |
On the modified logarithmic Sobolev inequality for the heat-bath dynamics for 1D systems |
Journal of Mathematical Physics 62 (6) , 2021 |
2021 |
Undecidability of the spectral gap in one dimension |
Physical Review X 10 (3), 031038 , 2020 |
2020 |
Projected entangled pair states: Fundamental analytical and numerical limitations |
Physical Review Letters 125 (21), 210504 , 2020 |
2020 |
The Unsolvable Problem (vol 319, pg 28, 2018) |
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 320 (2), 5-5 , 2019 |
2019 |
Classification of phases for mixed states via fast dissipative evolution |
Quantum 3, 174 , 2019 |
2019 |
Resource quantification for the no-programing theorem |
Physical review letters 122 (8), 080505 , 2019 |
2019 |
Locality at the boundary implies gap in the bulk for 2D PEPS |
Communications in Mathematical Physics 366, 895-926 , 2019 |
2019 |
Mathematical open problems in projected entangled pair states |
Revista Matemática Complutense 32, 579-599 , 2019 |
2019 |
Memory effects can make the transmission capability of a communication channel uncomputable |
Nature communications 9 (1), 1149 , 2018 |
2018 |
The un (solv) able problem |
Scientific American 319 (4), 28-37 , 2018 |
2018 |
The Un (solv) able Problem: After a years-long intellectual journey, three mathematicians have discovered that a problem of central importance in physics is impossible to solve … |
The Un (solv) able Problem: After a years-long intellectual journey, three … , 2018 |
2018 |
Problem nie do rozwiązania |
Swiat Nauki , 2018 |
2018 |
Localization with random time-periodic quantum circuits |
Physical Review B 98 (13), 134204 , 2018 |
2018 |
Size-driven quantum phase transitions |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (1), 19-23 , 2018 |
2018 |
Computational complexity of PEPS zero testing |
arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.08214 , 2018 |
2018 |
Continuum limits of matrix product states |
Physical Review B 98 (17), 174303 , 2018 |
2018 |
Quantum conditional relative entropy and quasi-factorization of the relative entropy |
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 51 (48), 484001 , 2018 |
2018 |
Normal projected entangled pair states generating the same state |
New Journal of Physics 20 (11), 113017 , 2018 |
2018 |
Matrix product density operators: Renormalization fixed points and boundary theories |
Annals of Physics 378, 100-149 , 2017 |
2017 |
Irreducible forms of matrix product states: Theory and applications |
Journal of Mathematical Physics 58 (12) , 2017 |
2017 |
Superadditivity of quantum relative entropy for general states |
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 64 (7), 4758-4765 , 2017 |
2017 |
Matrix product unitaries: structure, symmetries, and topological invariants |
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2017 (8), 083105 , 2017 |
2017 |
Symmetry reduction induced by anyon condensation: A tensor network approach |
Physical Review B 96 (15), 155123 , 2017 |
2017 |
Introduction to special issue: Operator algebras and quantum information theory |
Journal of Mathematical Physics 57 (1) , 2016 |
2016 |
Chern–Simons theory encoded on a spin chain |
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2016 (1), 013103 , 2016 |
2016 |
Fundamental limitations in the purifications of tensor networks |
Journal of Mathematical Physics 57 (7) , 2016 |
2016 |
Uncomputability of the generalized capacity |
arXiv preprint arXiv:1601.06101 , 2016 |
2016 |
Comment on" On the uncomputability of the spectral gap" |
arXiv preprint arXiv:1603.00825 , 2016 |
2016 |
Constructing topological models by symmetrization: A projected entangled pair states study |
Physical Review B 94 (15), 155106 , 2016 |
2016 |
Area law for fixed points of rapidly mixing dissipative quantum systems. |
American Institute of Physics , 2015 |
2015 |
Frustration free gapless Hamiltonians for Matrix Product States |
Springer (de la versión publicada) , 2015 |
2015 |
Rapid mixing and stability of quantum dissipative systems |
Physical Review A 91 (4), 040302 , 2015 |
2015 |
Supplementary Information. Undecidability of the spectral gap |
Nature Publishing Group , 2015 |
2015 |
Area law for fixed points of rapidly mixing dissipative quantum systems |
Journal of mathematical physics 56 (10) , 2015 |
2015 |
Unbounded number of channel uses may be required to detect quantum capacity |
Nature communications 6 (1), 6739 , 2015 |
2015 |
Rapid mixing renders quantum dissipative systems stable |
APS , 2015 |
2015 |
Frustration free gapless Hamiltonians for matrix product states |
Communications in Mathematical Physics 333, 299-333 , 2015 |
2015 |
Unbounded number of channel uses may be required to detect quantum capacity |
NPG , 2015 |
2015 |
Rank-one quantum games |
computational complexity 24, 133-196 , 2015 |
2015 |
Stability of local quantum dissipative systems |
Communications in Mathematical Physics 337, 1275-1315 , 2015 |
2015 |
Fundamental limitations in the purifications of tensor networks |
arXiv preprint arXiv:1512.05709 , 2015 |
2015 |
Area law for fixed points of rapidly mixing dissipative quantum systems |
Journal of Mathematical Physics 56 (10) , 2015 |
2015 |
Mapping between the Heisenberg XX spin chain and low-energy QCD |
Physical Review X 4 (2), 021050 , 2014 |
2014 |
Entanglement and the three-dimensionality of the Bloch ball |
Journal of Mathematical Physics 55 (12) , 2014 |
2014 |
Entanglement and the three-dimensionality of the Bloch ball |
Journal of Mathematical Physics 55 (12) , 2014 |
2014 |
Preparing topological projected entangled pair states on a quantum computer |
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (3), 032321 , 2013 |
2013 |
Purifications of multipartite states: limitations and constructive methods |
New Journal of Physics 15 (12), 123021 , 2013 |
2013 |
Testing microscopic discretization |
IOP Publishing Ltd , 2013 |
2013 |
Testing microscopic discretization |
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46 (8), 085304 , 2013 |
2013 |
Entanglement, fractional magnetization, and long-range interactions |
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (3), 035114 , 2013 |
2013 |
Robustness in projected entangled pair states |
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (11), 115108 , 2013 |
2013 |
Joint system quantum descriptions arising from local quantumness |
Communications in Mathematical Physics 322, 501-513 , 2013 |
2013 |
Existence of an information unit as a postulate of quantum theory |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (41), 16373-16377 , 2013 |
2013 |
Lieb-Robinson bounds for spin-boson lattice models and trapped ions |
Physical review letters 111 (23), 230404 , 2013 |
2013 |
A digital approach to quantum theory |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States 110, 41 , 2013 |
2013 |
Topological Order in the Projected Entangled-Pair States Formalism: Transfer Operator<? format?> and Boundary Hamiltonians |
Physical review letters 111 (9), 090501 , 2013 |
2013 |
Topological and entanglement properties of resonating valence bond wave functions |
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (1), 014404 , 2012 |
2012 |
Order parameter for symmetry-protected phases in one dimension |
Physical review letters 109 (5), 050402 , 2012 |
2012 |
Matrix product states with long-range localizable entanglement |
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (6), 062314 , 2012 |
2012 |
Resonating valence bond states in the PEPS formalism |
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (11), 115108 , 2012 |
2012 |
Gapless Hamiltonians for the toric code using the projected entangled pair state formalism |
Physical Review Letters 109 (26), 260401 , 2012 |
2012 |
General Physics: Statistical and Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Information, etc.-Gapless Hamiltonians for the Toric Code Using the Projected Entangled Pair State Formalism |
Physical Review Letters 109 (26), 260401 , 2012 |
2012 |
A Physical Approach to Tsirelson's Problem |
Springer , 2012 |
2012 |
Quantum Steering and Spacelike Separation |
American Physical Society , 2012 |
2012 |
Matrix product states, random matrix theory and the principle of maximum entropy |
arXiv preprint arXiv:1201.6324 , 2012 |
2012 |
A physical approach to Tsirelson’s problem |
Foundations of Physics 42 (8), 985-995 , 2012 |
2012 |
Quantum steering and spacelike separation |
Physical Review Letters 109 (16), 160405 , 2012 |
2012 |
Local complementation and the extension of bilinear mappings |
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 152 (1), 153-166 , 2012 |
2012 |
Connes' embedding problem and Tsirelson's problem |
American Institute of Physics , 2011 |
2011 |
Inverting the central limit theorem |
arXiv preprint arXiv:1110.2394 , 2011 |
2011 |
Sequential strong measurements and the heat vision effect |
IOP Publishing , 2011 |
2011 |
Classifying quantum phases using matrix product states and projected entangled pair states |
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (16), 165139 , 2011 |
2011 |
Are problems in quantum information theory (un) decidable? |
arXiv preprint arXiv:1111.5425 , 2011 |
2011 |
Connes' embedding problem and Tsirelson's problem |
Journal of Mathematical Physics 52 (1) , 2011 |
2011 |
Sequential strong measurements and the heat vision effect |
New Journal of Physics 13 (11), 113038 , 2011 |
2011 |
Entangling dynamics beyond quantum theory |
arXiv preprint arXiv:1111.4060 , 2011 |
2011 |
Bell inequalities from multilinear contractions |
arXiv preprint arXiv:1002.1893 , 2010 |
2010 |
Bell inequalities from multilinear contractions |
Rinton Press , 2010 |
2010 |
Unbounded violations of bipartite Bell Inequalities via Operator Space theory |
Springer , 2010 |
2010 |
The inverse eigenvalue problem for quantum channels |
arXiv preprint arXiv:1005.4545 , 2010 |
2010 |
A quantum version of Wielandt's inequality |
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 56 (9), 4668-4673 , 2010 |
2010 |
Characterizing symmetries in a projected entangled pair state |
New Journal of Physics 12 (2), 025010 , 2010 |
2010 |
Unbounded violations of bipartite Bell inequalities via operator space theory |
Communications in Mathematical Physics 300, 715-739 , 2010 |
2010 |
Operator Space theory: a natural framework for Bell inequalities |
Physical review letters 104 (17), 170405 , 2010 |
2010 |
The communication complexity of XOR games via summing operators |
arXiv preprint arXiv:1004.2882 , 2010 |
2010 |
PEPS as ground states: Degeneracy and topology |
Annals of Physics 325 (10), 2153-2192 , 2010 |
2010 |
Tripartite probability distributions and communication complexity |
arXiv preprint arXiv:1006.5318 , 2010 |
2010 |
Thermal states of anyonic systems |
Nuclear Physics B 829 (3), 401-424 , 2010 |
2010 |
Sequential Strong Measurements and Heat Vision |
arXiv preprint arXiv:1010.4983 , 2010 |
2010 |
On the impossibility to perform a global unitary operation sequentially |
European Quantum Electronics Conference, ED_P10 , 2009 |
2009 |
Assessing dimensions from evolution |
arXiv preprint arXiv:0901.2542 , 2009 |
2009 |
A canonical form for projected entangled pair states and applications |
arXiv preprint arXiv:0908.1674 , 2009 |
2009 |
Assessing quantum dimensionality from observable dynamics |
Physical review letters 102 (19), 190504 , 2009 |
2009 |
Measurements Incompatible in Quantum Theory Cannot Be Measured Jointly<? format?> in Any Other No-Signaling Theory |
Physical review letters 103 (23), 230402 , 2009 |
2009 |
Scaling law for topologically ordered systems at finite temperature |
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (13), 134303 , 2009 |
2009 |
Quantum Information: an invitation for mathematicians |
AIP Conference Proceedings 1130 (1), 34-43 , 2009 |
2009 |
Matrix product states: Symmetries and two-body Hamiltonians |
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 79 (4), 042308 , 2009 |
2009 |
On dense-lineability of sets of functions on R |
Topology 48 (2-4), 149-156 , 2009 |
2009 |
A canonical form for Projected Entangled Pair States and applications |
2009 |
Constrained optimization of sequentially generated entangled multiqubit states |
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 80 (2), 022334 , 2009 |
2009 |
F. Verstraete, and JI Cirac |
Phys. Rev. Lett 100, 167202 , 2008 |
2008 |
A tensor norm preserving unconditionality for ℒ_ {𝓅}-spaces |
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 360 (6), 3287-3306 , 2008 |
2008 |
Unbounded violation of tripartite Bell inequalities |
Communications in Mathematical Physics 279, 455-486 , 2008 |
2008 |
Quantum Bell inequalities can have arbitrarily large violation |
Commun. Math. Phys 279, 455-486 , 2008 |
2008 |
The natural rearrangement invariant structure on tensor products |
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 343 (1), 40-47 , 2008 |
2008 |
Sequential implementation of global quantum operations |
Physical review letters 101 (18), 180506 , 2008 |
2008 |
Sequentially generated states for the study of two-dimensional systems |
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 77 (5), 052306 , 2008 |
2008 |
Bohr’s strip for vector valued Dirichlet series |
Mathematische Annalen 342 (3), 533-555 , 2008 |
2008 |
String order and symmetries in quantum spin lattices |
Physical review letters 100 (16), 167202 , 2008 |
2008 |
Extension of multilinear forms and polynomials from subspaces of L1-spaces |
Houston J. Math 33 (3), 839-860 , 2007 |
2007 |
Measurement-based quantum computation beyond the one-way model |
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 76 (5), 052315 , 2007 |
2007 |
A decomposition theorem for polymeasures |
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 336 (2), 1316-1323 , 2007 |
2007 |
Hahn–Banach extension of multilinear forms and summability |
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 336 (2), 1161-1177 , 2007 |
2007 |
Attacking a public key cryptosystem based on tree replacement |
Discrete applied mathematics 155 (1), 61-67 , 2007 |
2007 |
PEPS as unique ground states of local Hamiltonians |
arXiv preprint arXiv:0707.2260 , 2007 |
2007 |
Quantum capacities of bosonic channels |
Physical review letters 98 (13), 130501 , 2007 |
2007 |
A decomposition theorem for polymeasures |
Elsevier , 2007 |
2007 |
Quantum capacities of channels with small environment |
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 75 (1), 012303 , 2007 |
2007 |
Optimality of programmable quantum measurements |
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 73 (5), 052315 , 2006 |
2006 |
Matrix product state representations |
arXiv preprint quant-ph/0608197 , 2006 |
2006 |
Criticality, the area law, and the computational power of projected entangled pair states |
Physical review letters 96 (22), 220601 , 2006 |
2006 |
Contractivity of positive and trace-preserving maps under Lp norms |
Journal of Mathematical Physics 47 (8) , 2006 |
2006 |
Unexpected subspaces of tensor products |
Journal of the London Mathematical Society 74 (2), 512-526 , 2006 |
2006 |
Algebrability of the set of non-convergent Fourier series |
Polish Acad Sciencies Inst Mathematics , 2006 |
2006 |
Unexpected subspaces of tensor products |
2006 |
Projected entangled states: Properties and applications |
International Journal of Modern Physics B 20 (30n31), 5142-5153 , 2006 |
2006 |
General Physics: Statistical and Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Information, etc.-Criticality, the Area Law, and the Computational Power of Projected Entangled Pair States |
Physical Review Letters 96 (22), 220601-221300 , 2006 |
2006 |
The trace class is a Q-algebra |
Annales Fennici Mathematici 31 (2), 287-295 , 2006 |
2006 |
A composition theorem for multiple summing operators |
Springer Wien , 2005 |
2005 |
A composition theorem for multiple summing operators |
2005 |
Mathematica Scandinavica 96, 280-288 , 2005 |
2005 |
Unconditional bases in tensor products of Hilbert spaces |
Matematisk Institut, Universitetsparken NY Munkegade , 2005 |
2005 |
Orthogonally additive polynomials on spaces of continuous functions |
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 306 (1), 97-105 , 2005 |
2005 |
Unconditional bases in tensor products of Hilbert spaces |
Mathematica Scandinavica, 280-288 , 2005 |
2005 |
Comparing different classes of absolutely summing multilinear operators |
Archiv der Mathematik 85, 258-267 , 2005 |
2005 |
A composition theorem for multiple summing operators |
Monatshefte für Mathematik 146, 257-261 , 2005 |
2005 |
Where do homogeneous polynomials on ln1 attain their norm? |
Elsevier , 2004 |
2004 |
Deciding separability with a fixed error |
Physics Letters A 330 (3-4), 149-154 , 2004 |
2004 |
Multilinear extensions of Grothendieck’s theorem |
Oxford University Press , 2004 |
2004 |
Multiple summing operators on C (k) spaces |
Springer Verlag , 2004 |
2004 |
A counterexample using 4-linear forms |
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 70 (3), 469-473 , 2004 |
2004 |
On the Security of Certain Public Key Cryptosystems Based on Rewriting Problems |
Avances en criptología y seguridad de la información, 175-184 , 2004 |
2004 |
The inclusion theorem for multiple summing operators |
Studia Mathematica 165, 275-290 , 2004 |
2004 |
Multilinear extensions of Grothendieck's theorem |
The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 55 (4), 441-450 , 2004 |
2004 |
Where do homogeneous polynomials on ℓ1n attain their norm? |
Journal of Approximation Theory 127 (1), 124-133 , 2004 |
2004 |
Multiple summing operators on Banach spaces |
2003 |
Multiple summing operators on Banach spaces |
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 285 (1), 86-96 , 2003 |
2003 |
Multiple summing operators on Banach spaces |
Elsevier , 2003 |
2003 |